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Charma: 16Personalities Social media app

Connect, discover, thrive: unleashing your personality power

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Social Media
Charma: 16Personalities Social media app-image-0


Charma is a social media app designed exclusively for MBTI enthusiasts. It allows users to explore personality types, engage in meaningful conversations, and connect with like-minded individuals. The app focuses on self-discovery, privacy, and fostering a community of MBTI fans.

How to use Charma: 16Personalities Social media app?

1. Download the Charma app from the app store 2. Create an account and set up your profile 3. Explore personality types and engage in conversations 4. Use the AI Companion for personalized insights 5. Stay updated with real-time notifications

Core features of Charma: 16Personalities Social media app:


Explore personality types


Engage in meaningful conversations


Connect with like-minded individuals


AI Companion for personalized guidance


Real-time notifications for updates

Why could be used Charma: 16Personalities Social media app?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Discovering personality traits
# 2Connecting with MBTI enthusiasts worldwide
# 3Engaging in deep conversations about human behavior

Who developed Charma: 16Personalities Social media app?

Charma is developed by a team of passionate individuals dedicated to creating a safe and engaging space for MBTI enthusiasts to connect and explore personality types.

FAQ of Charma: 16Personalities Social media app