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Career Hound

Find hidden, high paying tech jobs

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Career Hound is a tool that scrapes thousands of careers pages to find hidden high-paying tech jobs and presents them in one simple feed. It aims to help users find better job opportunities by bypassing auto-rejections and low-quality job advertisements.

How to use Career Hound?

To use Career Hound, simply sign up for a plan, adjust your keywords to filter the technologies you want, and apply directly to companies from the job feed.

Core features of Career Hound:


Scrapes careers pages for hidden tech jobs


Filters job postings based on user's keywords


Allows users to apply directly to companies

Why could be used Career Hound?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Finding high-paying tech jobs
# 2Avoiding auto-rejections from job portals
# 3Directly applying to hiring teams

Pricing of Career Hound:

Basic Plan


One-time payment for unlimited access to all jobs and keyword filters

Premium Plan


One-time payment for unlimited access to all jobs, keyword filters, and additional features

Who developed Career Hound?

Career Hound is created by Roman, who aims to provide users with a tool to find hidden high-paying tech jobs and improve their job search experience.

FAQ of Career Hound