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Calorie Calculator

Upload your food picture to calculate the calories.

Listed in categories:

Artificial IntelligenceHealth & Fitness
Calorie Calculator-image-0


Calorie Calculator is a free online tool powered by Google Gemini AI. It allows users to upload food images for calorie analysis. Please note that there is a limit of 2 requests per minute.

How to use Calorie Calculator?

To use the Calorie Calculator, simply upload a food image and wait for the analysis report to display the calorie information.

Core features of Calorie Calculator:


Food image analysis for calorie calculation


Free online tool


Powered by Google Gemini AI

Why could be used Calorie Calculator?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Calculate calories in food images
# 2Plan weight loss journey
# 3Assist with diet planning

Who developed Calorie Calculator?

GPTs Development Solution

FAQ of Calorie Calculator