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Cloudflare is a web security and performance company that provides services to protect and accelerate websites.

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Health & FitnessMeditationProductivity


The product is a web performance and security solution provided by Cloudflare.

How to use Calmo?

To use the product, sign up for a Cloudflare account, configure your website settings, and activate the desired security and performance features through the Cloudflare dashboard.

Core features of Calmo:


Web performance optimization


DDoS protection


Content delivery network (CDN)


SSL/TLS encryption


Firewall security

Why could be used Calmo?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Improving website speed and performance
# 2Protecting websites from DDoS attacks
# 3Securing website data with encryption

Pricing of Calmo:

Free Plan

Basic web performance and security features with limited usage

Pro Plan


Advanced web performance and security features with increased usage limits

Business Plan


Enterprise-level web performance and security features with priority support

Who developed Calmo?

Cloudflare is a leading web infrastructure and security company that provides services to optimize and secure websites, APIs, and applications for businesses of all sizes.

FAQ of Calmo