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Helps you focus

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ProductivityMacMenu Bar Apps


Buoy is a productivity tool designed to help you focus by allowing you to pick specific apps to focus on while keeping all other apps off-limits. It provides meaningful insights and statistics to help you track your focus time and success rates. Buoy is an offline-first tool that displays essential stats to keep distractions at bay and induce a flow state.

How to use buoy?

To use Buoy, simply select the apps you want to focus on and let Buoy track your focus time and success rates. Set timers, receive alerts when leaving focus apps, and utilize the offline-first functionality for a distraction-free work environment.

Core features of buoy:


Focus on specific apps


Offline-first functionality


Statistics and insights


Alerts for leaving focus apps


Timer and focus tracking

Why could be used buoy?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Improving focus and productivity
# 2Managing distractions
# 3Tracking focus time

Who developed buoy?

Buoy is developed by Adlerlagune, a company that collaborates with clients to offer innovative products like Buoy for free. They are dedicated to enhancing productivity and focus tools. Visit their website for more information on their projects and collaborations.

FAQ of buoy