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Buildshare is a platform that allows anyone to invest in UK housing projects and earn high interest rates by funding housing developments. It aims to democratize the housing industry and provide opportunities for individuals to benefit from building homes.

How to use Buildshare?

To start investing in housing projects with Buildshare, follow these simple steps: 1. Create an account on the app by filling out a few details. 2. Browse the available projects, view blueprints, financials, and development timelines, and choose a project that suits your preferences. 3. Select the amount you want to invest in the project and visualize your projected interest. 4. Watch the construction progress through real-time updates in your feed. 5. Receive monthly interest accruals and get back your original investment plus earned interest upon project completion.

Core features of Buildshare:


Invest in UK housing projects


Track construction progress


Build a greener future

Why could be used Buildshare?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Earn high interest rates by funding housing projects
# 2Monitor construction progress of investments
# 3Contribute to eco-friendly housing developments

Who developed Buildshare?

Buildshare Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales under company number 13340473. They aim to empower individuals to participate in property development and contribute to the UK housing market.

FAQ of Buildshare