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Bucket Releases

Bucket is a dedicated feature evaluation platform that helps product teams build better features by providing automated and actionable insights. Trusted by top tech companies, Bucket uses the STARS framework to combine qualitative and quantitative data for consistent feature evaluation.

Listed in categories:

SaaSProductivityData & Analytics
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Bucket is a dedicated feature evaluation platform that helps product teams build better features by providing automated and actionable insights. It combines qualitative and quantitative data to create a consistent feature evaluation baseline using the STARS framework. Trusted by top tech companies, Bucket enables product teams to increase customer satisfaction and retention by acting faster on low feature engagement and customer dissatisfaction.

How to use Bucket Releases?

To use Bucket, sign up for the free plan and start automating feature evaluations using the STARS framework. Explore the product features and workflows to ship valuable features that customers love.

Core features of Bucket Releases:


Automated evaluations


STARS Framework


Powerful workflows for shipping valuable features

Why could be used Bucket Releases?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Automatically stay on top of feature adoption, satisfaction, and impact
# 2Build B2B products that customers love
# 3Increase customer satisfaction and retention

Pricing of Bucket Releases:

Free Plan

Get started for free

Trusted by top tech companies, Bucket offers a free plan to help product teams build better features.

Who developed Bucket Releases?

Bucket is backed by world-class product leaders and is dedicated to helping product teams optimize for customer impact consistently.

FAQ of Bucket Releases