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Bot Hunt

A directory for niche chatbots that offer various services such as customer service, health & wellness, education & learning, personal assistant, e-commerce & retail, travel & hospitality, legal consultation, and more.

Listed in categories:

ProductivityArtificial IntelligenceProduct Hunt
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BotHunt is a directory for niche chatbots that helps users discover and explore various AI-powered chatbot solutions. It provides a platform for users to find chatbots tailored to their specific needs and interests.

How to use Bot Hunt?

To use BotHunt, simply visit the website and browse through the directory of chatbots. You can search for specific chatbots, subscribe to newsletters, and explore featured bots for different use cases.

Core features of Bot Hunt:


Directory for niche chatbots


Search functionality


Newsletter subscription


Customer service support


Featured bots showcase

Why could be used Bot Hunt?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Finding niche chatbots for specific purposes
# 2Subscribing to newsletters for updates
# 3Getting customer service assistance

Who developed Bot Hunt?

BotHunt is developed by a team of AI enthusiasts and developers dedicated to creating a comprehensive platform for discovering and utilizing chatbot solutions effectively.

FAQ of Bot Hunt