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BookPecker is a platform to search and discover summaries of thousands of books. Find books in various categories like Business, Finance, Personal Development, Health, Fitness, Computers, Technology, History, Biographies, Science, Math, Relationships, Dating, Parenting, Pregnancy, Politics, Social Sciences, Philosophy, Religion, Spirituality, Travel Guides, Hobbies, and Home. Browse through bullet point summaries and add new items to your reading list.

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Science BooksBusiness BooksStartup Books

Description is a book search platform that offers summaries of over 14,509 books. Users can discover new reads, browse summaries, find similar books to ones they own, and add items to their reading list. The platform covers a wide range of categories including Business, Finance, Personal Development, Health, Fitness, Computers, Technology, History, Biographies, Science, Math, Relationships, Dating, Parenting, Pregnancy, Politics, Social Sciences, Philosophy, Religion, Spirituality, Travel Guides, Hobbies, and Home.

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