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Allow users to customize your CSS

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Developer ToolsDesign ToolsUser Experience


BlueberryDocs is a tool that allows users to visually customize any part of their application by adding CSS variables and using a customization JavaScript widget. It helps in saving time by providing a polished experience to customers without the need for integrating color pickers, image uploaders, and font selectors.

How to use Blueberry?

Step 1: Add CSS variables in your styles. Blueberry will detect them automatically. Step 2: Use the Blueberry customization JavaScript widget to interactively change variables. Step 3: Blueberry will save and serve custom styling from a fast CDN.

Core features of Blueberry:


Visually customize any part of the application


Automatically detect CSS variables


Interactively change variables with a JavaScript widget


Save custom styles for individual pages


Serve custom styling from a fast CDN

Why could be used Blueberry?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Custom Profile Pages
# 2Brand Matching
# 3Add As Upsell

Pricing of Blueberry:

Basic Plan


Access to basic customization features

Pro Plan


Advanced customization features and priority support

Who developed Blueberry?

BlueberryDocs is developed by Blueberry Software, a company dedicated to providing innovative tools for web customization.

FAQ of Blueberry