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Bloggr is a static blog engine built on top of Nuxtjs and Nuxtcontent providing everything you need to start writing your blog hassle-free and for free. It includes powerful features like free hosting, SEO-friendly management, Markdown with components, built-in integrations, RSS generation, and secure and fast performance.

Listed in categories:

WritingOpen SourceDeveloper Tools


Bloggr is a static blog engine built on top of Nuxtjs and Nuxtcontent, providing everything you need to start writing your blog hassle-free and for free. It includes powerful features like free hosting, SEO-friendly management, Markdown support with components, built-in integrations, and templates like Mistral and Epoxia.

How to use Bloggr?

To start using Bloggr, simply visit the Demo or GitHub page, choose a template like Mistral or Epoxia, and follow the instructions to set up your blog. You can write articles in Markdown, manage SEO settings, integrate comments and analytics, and publish your content hassle-free.

Core features of Bloggr:


Free hosting


SEO friendly


Markdown with components


Builtin integrations


Secure & Fast

Why could be used Bloggr?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Starting a blog quickly
# 2Managing blog content efficiently
# 3Engaging with readers through comments and newsletters

Who developed Bloggr?

Bloggr is powered by Docus, a team dedicated to creating efficient and user-friendly tools for content creators.

FAQ of Bloggr