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Blockgem - Crypto Arbitrage Notification

Unlock the Power of Crypto Arbitrage with BLOCKGEM. Our innovative Dashboard covers over 100 crypto assets and provides real-time prices from 75 DEXes and CEXes. Subscribe now to elevate your trading experience with our exclusive user-friendly features.

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BLOCKGEM unlocks the power of crypto arbitrage with an innovative Dashboard that covers over 100 crypto assets. It provides real-time prices from 75 DEXes and CEXes, allowing users to subscribe and elevate their trading experience with exclusive user-friendly features.

How to use Blockgem - Crypto Arbitrage Notification?

To use BLOCKGEM, simply subscribe to a plan, log in to the Dashboard, select the crypto assets you want to track, and start exploring arbitrage opportunities.

Core features of Blockgem - Crypto Arbitrage Notification:


Real-time price tracking


Crypto asset coverage


Arbitrage opportunities identification


User-friendly dashboard


Subscription feature

Why could be used Blockgem - Crypto Arbitrage Notification?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Crypto trading
# 2Arbitrage trading
# 3Price comparison

Pricing of Blockgem - Crypto Arbitrage Notification:

Basic Plan


Access to real-time prices of 50 crypto assets

Pro Plan


Access to real-time prices of 100 crypto assets and advanced features

Who developed Blockgem - Crypto Arbitrage Notification?

BLOCKGEM is developed by Blockgem Inc., a leading provider of crypto trading solutions. With a team of experienced developers and traders, Blockgem Inc. aims to revolutionize the way users engage in crypto arbitrage trading.

FAQ of Blockgem - Crypto Arbitrage Notification