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Block - Bootstrap 5 HTML Template

Bootstrap blocks for build website

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Developer Tools
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Block is a powerful frontend solution based on Bootstrap 5, designed to kickstart projects and build websites faster. It offers a modular web design concept with modern design elements and extensive customization options.

How to use Block - Bootstrap 5 HTML Template?

To use Block, simply purchase the template, access the Figma file for design control, customize components with Sass, and follow the extensive documentation for easy implementation. The theme is future-proof with W3C valid HTML code and vanilla JavaScript for all pages.

Core features of Block - Bootstrap 5 HTML Template:


Modular web design concept


Endless possibilities for pages


Responsive and flexible design


Extensive documentation


Mobile-friendly design

Why could be used Block - Bootstrap 5 HTML Template?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Web development projects
# 2Marketing site creation
# 3Frontend development tasks

Who developed Block - Bootstrap 5 HTML Template?

CodesCandy is the maker of Block, a frontend toolkit designed to empower developers with a stable and feature-packed solution for web development projects.

FAQ of Block - Bootstrap 5 HTML Template