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Clarity text editor to use UNICODE and ASCII

Listed in categories:



Bird is a UNICODE based text editor that provides high clarity for visibility in the characters you have entered. It reads ASCII as well as UNICODE text (UNICODE up to LE Little Endian). The saving format of the text is UNICODE only, not ASCII. It supports different languages, and if any text is not supported as same as the original, you can copy those texts from the editor and paste them here to render properly.

How to use Bird?

Download Bird and install it on a 64-bit Windows operating system. Use the editor to create and edit text with high clarity and support for multiple languages. Save your text in UNICODE format for proper rendering.

Core features of Bird:


UNICODE based text editing


High clarity visibility


Support for multiple languages

Why could be used Bird?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Creating and editing text
# 2Improving text clarity
# 3Copying and pasting text for proper rendering

Pricing of Bird:


License Free

Who developed Bird?

The maker of Bird is not specified.

FAQ of Bird