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BIPQuantum revolutionizes Intellectual Property Management by merging cutting-edge AI with robust blockchain technology to secure and empower creative assets for maximum potential in the digital landscape.

Listed in categories:

LegalBlockchainArtificial Intelligence


BIPQuantum is a revolutionary platform that merges cutting-edge AI with robust blockchain technology to redefine intellectual property (IP) protection and monetization. It simplifies the complex process of IP management, provides expert consultation, and offers innovative minting and fractionalization services.

How to use bIPQuantum?

To use BIPQuantum, simply register for early-stage access on the website. Once registered, you can leverage the platform's AI-powered services for efficient IP management, expert consultation, and minting/fractionalization of your IP assets.

Core features of bIPQuantum:


Seamless IP Management


Expert Consultation


Innovative Minting and Fractionalization

Why could be used bIPQuantum?

#Use caseStatus
# 1IP Registration and Protection
# 2IP Monetization
# 3Expert IP Consultation

Who developed bIPQuantum?

BIPQuantum is developed by a team of passionate experts in collaboration with Artizyou. Backed by over 7 years of R&D, the platform introduces the bIP Blockchain Intellectual Property Certificate and is supported by IP lawyers from the US, Canada, Europe, and Africa.

FAQ of bIPQuantum