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Virtual assistant for Upwork proposals

Listed in categories:

ProductivityArtificial IntelligenceFreelance


BidBuilder is a seamless Upwork proposal generator that boosts your Upwork game with AI proposals. It helps you save time and get hired faster with proposals that stand out. Over 20,000 proposals have been generated using BidBuilder.

How to use BidBuilder?

To use BidBuilder, simply provide project details, input your expertise, choose customizations, and your proposal will be ready. BidBuilder offers top-quality, freelance-focused, and highly customizable proposals at the right price for your needs.

Core features of BidBuilder:


AI-powered proposal generation


Customizable proposals


Professional proposal writing


Time-saving tool


Proposal analytics

Why could be used BidBuilder?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Simplifying Upwork proposals
# 2Winning more projects
# 3Saving time on proposal writing

Pricing of BidBuilder:

50 Proposals


Ideal for beginners, sufficient for landing your first project

150 Proposals


Great value for freelancers with multiple projects

350 Proposals


Best for freelancers with ongoing projects

700 Proposals


Perfect for high-volume freelancers

1600 Proposals

Request a quote

Custom plan for heavy users

Who developed BidBuilder?

BidBuilder is developed by a team of experienced developers and freelancers who understand the challenges of the freelance industry. They are dedicated to revolutionizing the proposal process and helping freelancers succeed on platforms like Upwork.

FAQ of BidBuilder