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Bathroom App

Find a place to poop

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Bathroom App is a platform designed to help people find clean and accessible bathrooms in San Francisco and New York City. With a focus on providing users with the inside scoop on where to find the best places to relieve themselves, the app aims to take the guesswork out of finding a bathroom when you really need one.

How to use Bathroom App?

To use the Bathroom App, simply download it from the App Store or Google Play Store. Once installed, open the app and either hit 'Find Bathrooms Near Me' to view bathrooms closest to you or enter an address to find bathrooms near that location. You can also filter bathrooms based on cleanliness, amenities, and more. View bathroom details and photos to make an informed decision on where to go.

Core features of Bathroom App:


Find clean bathrooms in SF and NYC


Get the inside scoop on where to poop


Search Nearby

Why could be used Bathroom App?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Relieve yourself
# 2Find bathrooms near you
# 3Filter bathrooms for cleanliness amenities & more

Who developed Bathroom App?

The Bathroom App is developed by a team of dedicated individuals who are passionate about providing a solution to the common problem of finding clean and accessible bathrooms in busy cities like San Francisco and New York City. The team is committed to continuously improving the app and expanding its coverage to help more people in need.

FAQ of Bathroom App