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Assignee History for JIRA Cloud

View JIRA assignee history

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Assignee History for JIRA Cloud-image-0
Assignee History for JIRA Cloud-image-1


Assignee History is an app for Jira Cloud that displays assignee history at a glance. It fetches information directly from the issue history and delivers assignation-related information to a dedicated location on the issue page. Users can easily see who has been assigned and when, from the most recent to the oldest assignment.

How to use Assignee History for JIRA Cloud?

To use Assignee History, simply install the app in your Jira Cloud instance. Once installed, navigate to the issue page to view the assignee history section. Use the search functionality to find specific users assigned to a ticket. Refer to the Privacy and Security tab for detailed information on data handling practices.

Core features of Assignee History for JIRA Cloud:


Comprehensive Assignee Tracking


Search Functionality


Privacy and Security

Why could be used Assignee History for JIRA Cloud?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Project Manager tracking assignee history
# 2Developer finding specific users assigned to a ticket
# 3Team member staying focused on critical information

Who developed Assignee History for JIRA Cloud?

NebulApp for Jira Cloud is the maker of Assignee History, providing users with efficient access to assignee information in Jira Cloud.

FAQ of Assignee History for JIRA Cloud