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an image search tool,search for similar products with images

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SaaSChrome ExtensionsBrowser Extensions


Alihunts is an image search tool and a browser extension that helps you search for identical products and similar products with images.

How to use alihunts?

After one-click installation of the extension, open any website. Move the mouse over the product image and a button for searching identical or similar products will appear in the upper left corner. Click the search button to display all identical or similar suppliers on Taobao and AliExpress. Additionally, adjust the screenshot area for a more precise search of identical products.

Core features of alihunts:


Search for identical or similar products on Taobao and AliExpress


Facilitates price comparison


Helps find cheaper source suppliers

Why could be used alihunts?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Quickly locate original suppliers of hot-selling products
# 2Find suppliers with lower prices, faster shipping, and lower rate of returns

Who developed alihunts?

Alihunts is a tool developed by an innovative team passionate about helping ecommerce sellers find the best deals and suppliers for their businesses.

FAQ of alihunts