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Alaya AI


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Alaya AI is a decentralized platform that focuses on community-driven crowdsourcing and gamification to generate high-quality training datasets for machine learning models. It connects data consumers with data providers from around the globe to facilitate the creation of accurate and diverse training data for AI models.

How to use Alaya AI?

To get started with Alaya AI, users need to sign up for an account on the platform. They can then choose to be data providers or consumers. Data providers offer their expertise for AI model training, while data consumers request specific training data for their projects.

Core features of Alaya AI:


Community-driven crowdsourcing


Gamification for data labeling


Incentive system with ALA tokens


Network of distributed communities


Expert subcultures

Why could be used Alaya AI?

#Use caseStatus
# 1AI model training
# 2Data labeling for machine learning
# 3Specialized data collection

Who developed Alaya AI?

Alaya AI Technologies is dedicated to revolutionizing the creation of training data for AI models through international collaboration and inclusive culture. The company aims to accelerate AI research and development while ensuring sustainable and responsible AI applications.

FAQ of Alaya AI