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AI Assist by Dopt

Dopt is a developer platform for product onboarding that provides a component library and SDKs to build seamless onboarding and education experiences in minutes.

Listed in categories:

SaaSUser ExperienceAPI
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Dopt is an AI-powered user assistance platform that provides developers with a component library and SDKs to build seamless onboarding and education experiences in minutes.

How to use AI Assist by Dopt?

Developers can use Dopt's SDKs and prebuilt components to create high-quality onboarding experiences. They can map out user flows, target specific users and companies, and analyze performance with built-in analytics. Dopt offers customizable React components, headless SDKs for flexibility, and easy styling options.

Core features of AI Assist by Dopt:


Setup wizards


Progress bars


Visual Flow Builder





Why could be used AI Assist by Dopt?

#Use caseStatus
# 1User Onboarding
# 2Product Education
# 3Announcements

Pricing of AI Assist by Dopt:

Free Plan

Start for free

Build onboarding and education experiences with basic features.

Who developed AI Assist by Dopt?

Dopt Inc is a developer platform that focuses on providing tools for product onboarding and user education. Their goal is to empower developers to create personalized onboarding experiences with ease and efficiency.

FAQ of AI Assist by Dopt