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Aesthetic intelligence

Your AI style twin awaits: personalization to perfection

Listed in categories:

E-CommerceMarketingArtificial Intelligence
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EvokeAI is an aesthetic intelligence platform that revolutionizes the way individuals interact with art and images by converting their visual preferences into personalized digital style twins. It offers personalized product recommendations and curated products based on user-centric aesthetic preferences.

How to use Aesthetic intelligence ?

Take the visual quiz to create your digital style twin. The platform will reveal your aesthetic and personality traits for self-discovery. Enjoy personalized product recommendations and curated products that match your unique aesthetics.

Core features of Aesthetic intelligence :


EvokeAI - Aesthetic Intelligence Platform


Personalized Recommendations


AI-Powered Product Curation


Digital Style Twin Creation

Why could be used Aesthetic intelligence ?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Creating Digital Style Twins
# 2Personalized Product Recommendations
# 3Enhancing Online Shopping Experience

Who developed Aesthetic intelligence ?

Evoke AI Corp is the maker of EvokeAI, a cutting-edge platform that enhances the online shopping experience through personalized digital style twins and AI-powered product curation.

FAQ of Aesthetic intelligence