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16x Prompt

Streamlined ChatGPT for Coding

Listed in categories:

Software EngineeringDeveloper ToolsArtificial Intelligence
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16x Prompt simplifies prompt creation for coding tasks by adding context, source code, and formatting instructions with ease. It helps developers compose the perfect prompt for ChatGPT, streamlining the coding process.

How to use 16x Prompt?

Download and install 16x Prompt, open the application, enter task instructions, select source code files, customize formatting instructions, and copy the final prompt to feed into ChatGPT or GPT4 via OpenAI API.

Core features of 16x Prompt:


Streamlined ChatGPT for Coding


Add Source Code and Formatting Instructions


Zero Setup Required


Improved Productivity


Local Data Privacy

Why could be used 16x Prompt?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Simplify prompt creation for coding tasks
# 2Compose prompts for daily coding tasks
# 3Optimize source code and prompt for best results

Pricing of 16x Prompt:

Free Download

Compose prompts with source code and context for ChatGPT. Limitation of 10 prompts per day in the free version.

Who developed 16x Prompt?

16x Prompt is built by 16x Engineer for developers to enhance their coding experience.

FAQ of 16x Prompt