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Retention ist eine AI-gestützte Lernplattform für fortgeschrittene Sprachlernende, die ihr Sprachverständnis aufrechterhalten und erweitern möchten. Mit kuratierten Übungen, intelligentem Feedback und dynamischer Sprachanpassung bietet Retention eine Vielzahl von Lernmöglichkeiten in verschiedenen Sprachkategorien.

Aufgeführt in Kategorien:

BildungDeutschKünstliche Intelligenz


Retain FluencyAI Powered study exercises for Intermediate to Advanced language learners. Retention is designed for learners who already have a language foundation and want to maintain language understanding and build on their existing knowledge. It offers AI-curated study exercises, AI-powered evaluation and feedback, intelligent vocab collection, dynamic language proficiency alignment, progress tracking, and exposure to new ideas and vocab.

Wie man benutzt Retention?

Ready to get started? Simply subscribe to the monthly plan and start using Retention for your language learning journey. Click on unfamiliar words for help, submit study exercises for AI-powered feedback, and track your progress over time.

Hauptmerkmale von Retention:


AI-curated study exercises


AI-powered evaluation and feedback


Intelligent vocab collection


Dynamic language proficiency alignment


Progress tracking

Warum könnte verwendet werden Retention?

# 1Maintain language understanding
# 2Build on existing knowledge
# 3Improve language proficiency

Preisgestaltung von Retention:

Monthly Subscription


Cancel anytime

Wer hat entwickelt Retention?

Retention is developed by a team passionate about language learning and technology. We aim to provide advanced study tools for language learners to enhance their skills and fluency.

FAQ von Retention