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Transformieren Sie Ihre Vertriebsansprache mit Kreativität. Entdecken Sie eine Plattform, die darauf ausgelegt ist, wie Sie Leads mit personalisierten datengesteuerten Strategien identifizieren, ansprechen und konvertieren. Probieren Sie es jetzt aus!

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Transform Your Sales Outreach with Creativity. Discover a platform designed to revolutionize how you identify, engage, and convert leads with personalized, data-driven strategies.

Wie man benutzt Leadsme?

Simply sign up for a free account, start sourcing ideal profiles, analyzing leads, crafting personalized messages, and tracking campaign success in real-time.

Hauptmerkmale von Leadsme:


Sourcer - Unearth ideal profiles from LinkedIn with tailored filters pinpointing CEOs to tech wizards across industries


Collecter - Analyze leads to reveal personality traits, communication styles, and business acumen organized neatly for you


Mailer - Craft personalized sales emails and messages that resonate, designed to captivate your leads from the first word


Analytics - Track your campaign success in real-time with AI-driven suggestions for continuous improvement and higher conversion rates

Warum könnte verwendet werden Leadsme?

# 1Identify and engage ideal profiles from LinkedIn
# 2Analyze leads to reveal personality traits and communication styles
# 3Craft personalized sales emails and messages that resonate with leads

Wer hat entwickelt Leadsme?

Joseph Yang, CEO of Tech Innovations, leads the team behind leadsme, a platform that has revolutionized sales outreach strategies.

FAQ von Leadsme