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Firebase Admin CLI

Verwalten Sie Ihr Firebase-Projekt mit ultimativer Kontrolle. Nutzen Sie das volle Potenzial von Firebases Authentifizierung, Echtzeit-Datenbank, Firestore, Speicher und mehr - alles über eine leistungsstarke Befehlszeilenschnittstelle mit Admin-Berechtigungen.

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Firebase Admin CLI-image-0


Empower Your Firebase Project with Ultimate Control. Unleash the Full Potential of Firebase's Auth, Realtime Database, Firestore, Storage, and More All Through a Powerful Command Line Interface with Admin Privileges.

Wie man benutzt Firebase Admin CLI?

Just use JavaScript to manage the database. You can use one-line commands like 'await db.collection('users').get()', insert multiline scripts, assign results to variables, output results to the console, and execute scripts from files using 'require'.

Hauptmerkmale von Firebase Admin CLI:


Manage Firebase Auth


Interact with Realtime Database


Work with Firestore


Utilize Firebase Storage


Execute Commands with Admin Privileges

Warum könnte verwendet werden Firebase Admin CLI?

# 1Manage user authentication
# 2Perform real-time database operations
# 3Store and retrieve data in Firestore

Wer hat entwickelt Firebase Admin CLI?

The Firebase Admin CLI is developed by siarhei and aims to provide developers with a convenient way to interact with Firebase services through a command line interface.

FAQ von Firebase Admin CLI